How To Use Influencers In Shopify Marketing Brands?

Over the years, there has been a significant rise in the consumption of eCommerce and online content by consumers. The result is it has brought unprecedented success to e-commerce platforms, and one of the leaders in it is Shopify. However, with immense competition, Shopify and the brand are doing their best to meet customers’ expectations on social media. So if you have a Shopify brand and want to leverage the power of social media to make its mark and surpass your competitors, we recommend tying up with influencers. Many startups on Shopify and even existing well-known companies on the platform have discovered the vital role these influencers play in elevating the product and the brand.

If you are wondering how to use influencer marketing with Shopify brands effectively while being discreet with the details, just follow the tips we offer.

Where To Start?

In most cases, the best way to attract influencers is by sending the products to the influencers. If you want to know why, let’s say that the brand is stepping up its business by sending the products. Many brands send the products to create brand awareness among the influencers and build relationships with them. Companies use unique techniques to launch new products and value loyal customers by building relationships with them.

But there is no point in sending products to an influencer without you setting a clear goal for how you want to work with the influencer. It is vital that you work out a plan to measure your ROI before sending the product.

Types Of Influencer Campaigns

There are typically three types when you are thinking of launching a gifting campaign with the influencer and your Shopify brand.

1. Product Seeding

Free products are sent to influencers to get their feedback on the product and to ensure they like it before inviting them to join the campaign. The startups often use other forms of product selling campaigns with limited budgets. They send the product to the influencers with their permission and hope they will like it and share it with their followers.

2. Product Campaign

The product is sent to the influencers, and a fee is paid to promote the product on their social media channels and among their followers. It can be said in this case. The influencer has to state that the company sponsors the post.

3. Product Gifting

Companies, as an incentive, send the product to their ambassadors, brand fans, and loyal customers so they stay loyal to the brand.

How To Engage Influencers By Sending Products

Now that you know the three types of influencer campaigns, a Shopify brand can run by sending products to the influencers. There are some factors that you need to take into account because sending a product is quite an investment. If you follow these three steps below, trust us, you will be able to send the product without divulging too many details.

1. Automate and Standardize the Communication

When you want to engage influencer marketing for your Shopify brand, it is obvious you won’t be contacting only one influencer. To contact the influencers proactively, it is essential that you craft the right message, follow them up and respond to them quickly.

However, you are always short on time when launching a new product or brand. Automating the messaging and replies is the best way to ensure no missed messages. Also, eliminate the communication chaps by sharing a template message for

  • Outreach message
  • Follow-up message

2. A Compelling Proposal

It is often said that the proof is in the pudding, and for you, the proof is in offering a compelling commission proposal to the influencer. The message must be enticing and comprehensive, setting the expectation of the content creators you want to collaborate with. The onus is on you to excite them about your products, brand mission, and campaign.

For running a paid campaign, we suggest in the campaign proposal confirm their expectation and interest. Only when they agree to the terms should you send the free products because you don’t want them to go to waste.

The other form is offering free products in the hope they will share their experience using the product with their followers. However, in such a scenario, you have very little influence. You can only expect they will mention you and recommend your product to the followers. For this to work, you need to create a message that will excite them about the campaign and buy in. At times influencers do camping a product for free based on their interest in the product or its value. Also, they collaborate for free with a company when they know it will benefit their reputation and following.

Some of the aspects that you should discuss are:

  • Campaign goals
  • Incentives
  • Your requirement from the influencers
  • The USP of the Brand
  • Why influencers should work with your brand

3. The Terms of Collaboration

When you decide to run a paid campaign with influencers, you must ensure everything is well documented and agreed on before starting the campaign. This is beneficial not only for the influencer but also for you as the brand and content creator is on the same page, and nothing is lost ‘in-between the communication.’

We suggest creating standardized terms stating your expectation and a guide that can be distributed to any influencer you want to collaborate with for the campaign. A simple template that includes the following will do the job:

  • Type of content the creators need to create
  • The number of contents they need to post over the campaign period and how many posts each week.
  • Any specific social media platform you want them to work on
  • Suggestions on necessary talking points that will be beneficial to your product and campaign
  • Deadlines
  • The value of the gifts
  • Commission and payment terms
  • Any additional perks or discounts offered to the influencer

Why Collaborate With Influencers For Shopify Brands Marketing?

We have discussed the campaigns you can run with the influencers and how you should begin collaborating with them. If you are unsure whether you should collaborate with an influencer for your Shopify brand’s marketing, let’s go through the following points that might help you make an informed decision. 

1. Get New Audience & Customers 

The social media platform has become critical for finding new products and brands for the audience and customers. It has been reported that only 13% of the audience know about the latest products from television and traditional advertising modes. Compared to this figure, about 58% of millennials and 54% of GenZ shoppers get to know and purchase new products from social media platforms. It becomes evident that finding a new audience on social media platforms is easier and targeting them with the help of influencers is one of the best ways to ensure the brand’s success. 

2. Building Trust 

While 37% of consumers trust social media influencers for product and brand suggestions, 77% don’t trust companies, and 67% of adults state that once they lose trust in the brand, they don’t return to the company. Since influencers are trusted, seen as a friend and offer authenticity to the products, it is easy for the brands to get a nod of approval from the customers. 

3. Addressing Content Gap 

Influencers are known for creating unique and compelling content. As an owner of a Shopify brand, when you deploy an influencer for marketing, you do not have to come up with content ideas regularly while taking care of your business. Creating unique and different content for campaigns can be pretty challenging. An influencer is known for creating engaging content and can address the gaps within your existing content. They are known for creating innovative posts that push the boundaries and are out-of-the-box that cultivate the niche audience. 

4. Better ROI 

It has been reported that for every dollar spent on influencer marketing, a brand can receive $6.50 in return. The return on investment (ROI) is not bad compared to marketing strategies, where thousands of dollars are spent collaborating with celebrities. Furthermore, integrating influencer marketing within the content marketing strategy is easier, and you do not require exorbitant funds to start collaborating mainly with nano and micro-influencers. 

5. Requires Minimal Resources 

Many believe that influencer marketing requires a considerable sum of money and extra work on your part. The reality is, however, different. As mentioned above, you can start the marketing with a minimum budget with nano and micro-influencers. Also, if you have limited time to conduct an in-depth search for the influencer who will fit your budget and brand, contact a professional influencer platform like Afluencer. A platform like Afluencer has a vetted list of influencers who cater to a range of products, brands and niches. 

Final Words

If you follow these three simple steps, Shopify marketing with influencers is not an impossible task. We recommend one of the best ways to utilise the benefits of influencer marketing is with the help of the Shopify integrated features. Also, if you are looking for influencers who align with your brand, then find them on Afluencer.

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